The Iron Lyons Wiki
Species Name Lyon
Average Height 3'7"-4" at Shoulder (Male)
2'9"-3'5" at Shoulder (Female)
Average Weight 420 pounds (Males)
290 pounds (Females)600[1] - 900[2] (Largest Specimens)
Lifespan 50+ Years
Diet Primarily Carnivorous
Minorly Frugivorous
Minorly Insectivorous
Sentient? Yes
Familiar Name Lion

Lyons (pronounced 'Lee-owns') are an evolved form of the lions we know today, and the name taken by the species as a whole when they abandoned their old ways and followed the teachings of Jyotis.

Lyons vs. Lions[]

Lyons and Lions have little physical difference, despite being untold generations apart. However, Lyons live far more than fifteen or twenty years naturally. Lyons also have more dexterous dewclaws due to a high breeding demand for those who could best use them during the "enlightening period".

Lyons also produce fewer cubs, with single births being the most common, twins being less common, and triplets being rare, roughly in line with the human birth rate.


Gender Roles and Sexism[]

Society varies from population to population, however most lyon societies are patriarchal and centered around males, while females are seen as lesser and set aside, a species predilection. Lyons have gendered roles: Males are expected to lead and protect, while females are expected to hunt and produce children. Seldom do these rules switch, and when they do, they're usually isolated incidents. Before The Enlightening Period however, this was much worse and females lyons were simply vessels for encroaching males to breed the next generation off of, usually with force. After Jyotis rises, males become more inclined to be civil and ask a lyonesse for her paw instead taking her by force.

The only exceptions to this so far are the Red Queens who prioritize and value females over males since Araawa's title as Queen cannot truly pass to a male descendant. The Shard Sultanate is another, more extreme exception, that outright hates and reviles males instead of simply setting them aside. They are ruled exclusively by a female, called the Sultana.


The Lyons in the Iron Lyons universe are far more tolerant of non-heterosexual or Queersexual lyons than humans tend to be. The only time it is frowned on or becomes a problem is when it interferes with a Noble or Royal's duty to produce an heir for their line.[3]


Lyons still live in their Traditional Prides, usually led by a least one male. Several male leaders may be present and they are usually related in some way, either siblings or cousins. It isn't unusual for a male lyon to take several wives however female lyonesse generally do not take several males and are at least somewhat content sharing a husband.

Pride leaders are succeeded by their sons. Females adopted into the pride integrate better by mating to a pride male, however mating to a rogue male is acceptable. Male children not from the pride males, however, are generally cast out unless they mate to the daughter of one of the Pride males.

Subspecies (Iron Lyons)[]

Afriikan Lyon[]

Afriikan Lyons are all native to Afriik. They come in a variety of shades, the lightest seen in white lyons of the Black Mountains and the darkest on Asta.

Endia Lyon[]

Endian Lyons are native to Endia, the royals themselves descendants of the Black Emperor.

Barbari Lyon[]

Barbari lyons are deep red lyons that live right next to The Waste. They come in two varities, both found in Endia, Uropa, and Shya.

Marozi Lyon[]

The Marozi's were a band of pale lyons smattered in spots, leading other, spotless lyons to believe them to be 'Pard-kin. They were harassed and ostracized for this.

Subspecties (Reality)[]

Barbary Lion[]

Extinct in the Wild due to excessive hunting, Barbary lions exist in captivity in Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Egypt. Also called the Atlas Lion, Barbaries were the generally the biggest of the subspecies. Their manes were long and dark and they themselves were long beast, anywhere from 7 to 9 feet from nose tip to tail tip.

Asiatic Lion[]

Asiatic Lion have a distinctive fold of skin along their bellies, which sets them apart from other subspecies. They range from a ruddy-tawny color to grays and silvers, speckled heavily with black. The mane is not as impressive as other subspecies, typically short, smooth, but quite a bit more than a simple ruff.[4]

African Lion[]

West African Lion[]

Among the smallest of the Lions, this subspecies is critically endangered.

Masai Lion[]

Congo Lion[]

Southwest African Lion[]

Among the largest of lions, males of this type can weigh up to 533 pounds, while females can be 378. They stand anywhere from three to four feet at the shoulder and, including the tail, can be ten feet long.

Transvaal Lion[]

Ethiopian Lion[]

Notable Lyons[]

  • Uru was one of the heroes of Afriik, possibly the first lyonesse to be so.
  • Jyotis was the first Lion to become a Lyon, and usher in a new age for his kind.
  • Lang'at was quite possibly the source of most the magic seen so far in the series, including the magic of her sons.
  • Kidane was a Pale One and captured Mjane, forcing her to be his lady and her magic through his line.
  • Mōbōr was the first Emperor and firstborn son of Jyotis and Lang'at. He was the first true threat to not only Afriik, but the world. He was the creator of the terrible ColdFyre.
  • Tšatši was the secondborn son of Jyotis and Lang'at. While his brother was a menace, Tšatši used his powers for good and for keeping the Black Emperor at bay. He used the SunFyre to end the war between and kill his brother. He was the second Hero of Afriik.
  • Vireka was the last Pale Lord and the first antagonist in the Iron Lyons series.

